Faults revealed in the eliminated wines at the Russian Wines Competition©
It is common practice to reveal wine faults at international wine competitions. 180 Russian wines were tasted at the Russian Wines Competition©. During the tasting there were revealed faults with a concentration exceeding the perception off-odor threshold in 17 wines which resulted in their being eliminated from the competition.
MoreThe system of scoring wines at the Russian Wines Competition©
Within the framework of the Russian Wines Competition© wines will be scored on a 100-point scale with the use of specialized VinAgora International Wine Competition Evaluation Software (Hungary) approved by the International Organization of Vine and Wine (O.I.V.) for the purpose of holding international wine competitions.
MoreKuban State Technological University supports the Russian Wines Competition©.
The competition of Russian wines, the Russian Wines Competition©, was supported by Kuban State Technological University.
Some words about the university. On June 16, 1918 the Council of Public Education of the Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic decided to open Kuban Polytechnic Institute in Ekaterinodar (now Krasnodar). MoreThe Russian Wines Competition© is sponsored by CHÂTEAU DE TALUS.
CHÂTEAU DE TALUS enterprise (limited liability company) was set up in 2005 and is located in the resort town of Gelendzhik which due to its mild, warm climate having the features of a subtropical dry climate of the Mediterranean type is one of the best suited places for growing grapes.
MoreThe Russian Wines Competition© is sponsored by COTE ROCHEUSE JSC
Cote Rocheuse JSC joint-stock company is a new enterprise set up in 2010 which specializes in growing wine grapes of international varieties (black: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir and white: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling) and one indigenous Russian variety: Krasnostop Zolotovsky.
MoreNorth Caucasian Federal Scientific Centre of Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking supports Russian Wines Competition©.
We keep presenting those who support the first international wine competition, the Russian Wines Competition©.
The competition of Russian wines, the Russian Wines Competition©, is supported by the North Caucasian Federal Scientific Centre of Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking (NCFSCHVW), a large research and plant breeding technology centre for horticulture, viticulture and winemaking in the southern and North-Caucasian federal districts.
MoreWorld Sommelier Academy of Bordeaux supports the Russian Wines Competition©.
The Russian Wines Competition© is supported by Worldsom (World Sommelier Academy of Bordeaux).
Worldsom was created on the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which also owns Vinexpo, BEM and IPC Vins.
Weinakademie Osterreich supports the Russian Wines Competition©.
A few words about those who support the first international wine competition, the Russian Wines Competition©.
The Russian Wines Competition© is supported by the Austrian Wine Academy (Weinakademie Osterreich), the largest wine education centre in mainland Europe.
MorePreselection for the Russian Wines Competition©.
A lot of people wonder what the procedure for choosing 180 samples of Russian wines to be tasted at the first independent international wine competition, the Russian Wines Competition© involving Masters of Wine and Weinakademikers will be like
MoreWho is to judge?
It is a juror at a wine competition that is of major importance. A recognized, qualified wine expert-taster is key to an objective and professional tasting. The Russian Wines Competition© has brought together three Masters of Wine and four Weinakademikers.