What nutrients are important to the grapevine for the production of quality grapes, and why?
Nutrients are important in ensuring the grapevine thrives and produces quality grapes, which will be used to produce quality wines. Quality grapes are healthy (unaffected by diseases), fully developed and physiologically ripe grapes.
MoreHow responsible is the wine industry?
Like any other industry, the wine industry has positive and also negative effect of its activities on the social behavior, environment, people’s health and other aspects of our lives.
MoreOrganic viticulture in the Marival
The first question that our chief agronomist asked me at the very beginning of the Marival winery project was: “Will we work organically?”.
MoreBudget of the winemaking project
Very often I had to observe the situation when investors started the creation of a winery without calculating the project budget.